Sunday, 18 February 2007


1. Lion has the smallest heart in whole Order Carnivora.
2. Rat is only mammal which can live maximum days without water.
3. On every 2.5 centimeter square of our earth, an atmospheric pressure of 6 kg is always exists.
4. The Lithophone is the oldest musical instrument.
5. The Bended sea snake is the longest water snake in India.
6. Flying lizards are found in Japan.
7. Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India) is a cold desert.
8. King Cobra is the only snake that makes a nest.
9. the tallest hotel is in Dubai and it is 1,059 feet high.

10. When Mohammed Ghazni looted India 17 times between 1050 A.D. to 1150 A.D.(approximately), he carried away huge sum.

He carried away :-
3,724,000 Dirhams (old currency)
2,260,000 Dinars (currency)
8,600 kg Gold
80,000 kg Silver
20 valuable gems
1 Blue diamond worth 50 kg by weight
50 war elephants
28,000 kg gold and silver utensils
A house of silver that can be folded and then reconstructed (30 m by 15 m)So big treasure !

(The above data is only approximation. Real figure is more than this)

A Poem by me for my Brother

This poem is dedicated to my loving brother Akshdeep Saini.


Akshay and I,
went shooting for some fun.
We came upon a tiger, large,
At him we pointed our old guns.

Shot missed the tiger,
anger hit over him.
We forgot our own names,
thoughts and kin.

Frightened as we were,
ran like we were soaring.
Tiger came after us,
running and roaring.

We leaped into our jeep
and only miles we went.
Tiger came chasing us,
by following our scent.

Fuel came to an end,
Tiger behind us screamed.
Our lives were near death,
But thank God,
it was only a dream.

Information on cockroach


Domain : - Eukaryote
Kingdom : - Animalia
Phylum : - Arthropoda
Class : - Insecta
Order : - Dictyoptera
Genus : - Periplaneta
Species :- Americana

Cockroaches are found at places where there is warmth and food remains i.e. warm, dark and damp places. They commonly inhabit kitchens, restaurants, bakeries, grocer's shops, fruit stalls, store houses, godowns, railway wagons, ships, etc. They are numerous in underground drains and sewage systems.

General Characteristics
The cockroach has an elongated, ovoid, dorso-ventrally flattened, bilaterally symmetrical body. It is shining dark brown in colour. It is 2-4 cm long and 1 cm wide. The body of cockroach is externally covered by hard brown chitinous plates called sclerites. The sclerites are joined with one another by thin, flexible, soft articular or arthrodial membranes. The various sclerites collectively constitute the exoskeleton.

Exoskeleton protects the body and provides space for the attachment of muscles. The body is distinctly divided into 3 regions: - Head, thorax and abdomen.
Head lies at right angle to the long axis of body and is called hypognathous. Neck is short, soft and thin region which connects the head with thorax and allows the movement of head in all directions. Top of head capsule, vertex, is divided into two epicranial plates by an epicranial suture. Cockroaches have kidney shaped, dorsolaterally placed compound eyes which allow them to see simultaneously in almost all directions around its body. Each eye is made up of 2,000 individual hexagonal lenses called omatidia. Near the eye there is a pair of long, slender, tapering filaments called antennae which arises from antennal socket and can be moved in all the directions. Antenna has tactile sensory bristles which help in detecting the presence of food and the object in front.
Cockroach has very long legs. Each leg is composed of five parts or podomeres namely coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. Terminal part has claws and pads that help cockroach in holding the substratum firmly. Hairs on the legs of a cockroach provide an extra sense of touch. There are present two pairs of wings on cockroach. Wings are membranous outgrowths of body wall supported by network of nervures. The first pair is called mesothoracic wings and are not used in flight. They are protective in function. The second pair known as metathoracic wings is the real organ of flight.
Abdomen is the posterior and largest part of the body having ten segments. Certain segments have spiracles and stink glands. There are eight pairs of spiracles which lead into tracheae and help in respiratory exchange of gases. The stink gland's secretion gives a characteristic foul smell to cockroach. Cerci are the two little hairs on the rear end of a cockroach. They act like a motion detector.

Cockroaches are unisexual and oviparous. Male genital aperture is situated on 10th abdominal segment and genital aperture of female lies on 8th segment. There are small chitinous processes around genital apertures of both male and female called gonapophyses.
To attract mates, the female cockroach produces an odour (a pheromone) that excites male cockroaches. Male and female cockroaches come together by their posterior ends. Males produce a package of sperm called spermatophore which is covered by three layers.
Gonapophyses of male open the brood pouch or genital chamber of female and spermatophore is transferred into it by help of three chitinous structures called phallomeres. Sperms are liberated from the spermatophore and they reach spermatheca. Eggs come from both ovaries and pass into genital chamber where they are fertilized by sperms from ootheca. Certain secretion form egg case or ootheca in which eggs are kept. Young ones that hatch from eggs resemble the adult and are called nymphs. Nymphs undergo moulting or ecdysis 6-7 times and grows to become adult in one year.

The biting and chewing mouth parts of cockroach consist of a labrum, two mandibles, two maxillae, a labium and a hypo pharynx. Labrum and maxillae hold the food, mandibles cut and masticate the food, and labium checks the loss of food particles from mandibles as they are being chewed up. Hypo pharynx receives saliva from salivary duct and directs it on to the food. Cockroaches are omnivorous. They feed on almost all kinds of food matter including human food, paper, leather, cloth and dead bodies of animals, even dead bodies of their own fellows (cannibalism). They prefer starch containing food.

Economic Importance
Cockroaches cause damage to house hold materials such as clothes, shoes, purses and paper. They pollute and consume our food - fruits, bread, cheese, etc. They also spread foul smell in kitchens. The cockroaches are eaten in certain parts of the world such as Myanmar and South America. Many animals such as amphibians (e.g., frogs, toads), lizards, birds and rodents eat cockroaches. They are part of food chain. They are also used as laboratory animals.

Information on honey bee



Domain : - Eukaryote
Kingdom : - Animalia
Phylum : - Arthropoda
Class : - Insecta
Order : - Hymenoptera
Genus : - Apis
Species : - indica

Honey bees originated in Tropical Africa and spread from there to Northern Europe and East into Asia. It is also called the Western honey bee. Honey bees are highly colonial and polymorphic insects. They have best developed social life. It is originally an inhabitant of hills, but now occurs in plains also. Honey Bees live in a nest, called a "hive." Hive hangs vertically from trees, buildings and rocks. A single hive can have up to 80,000 bees, mostly workers.

General Characteristics
The honeybee is about 12 mm (1/2 inch) long and dark brown and black, densely hairy body with 3 or 5 dark brown abdominal bands. They carry two pairs of wings which are membranous and have few veins. Bees have six legs, a pair of elbowed antennae, compound eyes, jointed legs, and a hard exoskeleton. The three body parts are the head, thorax, and abdomen (the tail end). The head, antennae, and legs are black. The head is mobile and bears three ocelli and lapping mouth parts. Bees can fly about 24 kph.
There are three types of honey bees: - the queen, workers and drones - males which develop parthenogenetically. Drones mate with the queen and then they die.
Queen bee :- The hive is ruled over by a queen bee. She is the largest bee having a large body with tapering abdomen and reduced mouth parts. She is the only fertile female to mate and her only work is to lay eggs and she is mother of almost entire colony.
Worker bees: - Most bees are workers which are sterile females. They develop from fertilized eggs. They have a stout. broad body with very large eyes, powerful wings and feeble mouth parts. The workers do all of the work inside and outside of the hive. They have chewing and lapping type of mouth parts.
They are further divided into tree major groups: - scavenger bees, nurse bees, field bees. Worker bees of a certain age will secrete beeswax from a series of glands on their abdomen. They use the wax to form the walls and caps of the comb. Their jobs include: caring for larvae (baby bees, cleaning up the hive, storing pollen, making honey, guarding the hive, collecting pollen and nectar. Workers cooperate to find food and use a pattern of "dancing" (known as the bee dance or waggle dance) to communicate with each other. When a bee finds a good place with lots of flowers, she marks the spot with a scent. She then goes back to the hive and does a little "dance" which tells the other bees the distance and direction to go. This communication helps the hive locate good places so they don't waste time always looking for flowers.
Honey bees can sting, all honey bees live in colonies where the workers will sting intruders if they, or the hive, are in danger, and alarmed bees will release a pheromone that stimulates the attack response in other bees. The stinger is attached to a venom gland in the abdomen. The sting apparatus has its own musculature and ganglion. Muscle attached to the venom gland continues to pump poison into the wound, even after the bee is gone.

Virgin queens go on mating flights away from their home colony, and mate with multiple drones before returning. The drones die in the act of mating. The queen lays eggs which become either males, workers, or new queens, depending on the time of year and the age of the hive. Eggs are laid singly in a cell in a wax honeycomb, produced and shaped by the workers. The egg hatches into a worm-like larva. Larvae are initially fed with royal jelly produced by worker bees, later switching to honey and pollen. The exception is a larva fed solely on royal jelly, which will develop into a queen bee. Bees undergo complete metamorphosis. The larva undergoes several moulting before spinning a cocoon within the cell, and pupating and hatch out as adult bees.
After old queen makes new queens and the colony becomes overcrowded, she will leave the nest with some workers to start a new hive. The first new queen will kill all the others, and then she will be the queen of the old hive.

Larvae eat honey. Honey is the complex substance made when the nectar and sweet deposits from plants and trees are gathered, modified and stored in the honeycomb. The worker bee drinks as much nectar as she can hold. When she gets back to the hive, she passes the nectar on to another worker. This worker holds the nectar on her tongue until the water evaporates (leaves the nectar to go back into the air). She is left with honey on her tongue, which is stored in the hive. Bees eat their store of honey in the winter, when there is no food. Queen bees eat royal jelly. Royal jelly is a paste made by worker bees. Worker bees eat nectar and pollen from flowers. Nectar is a sweet liquid made by flowers, and pollen is a powdery substance which must be transferred from one flower to another to make more flowers. In the hive, pollen is used as a protein source necessary during brood-rearing.

Economic Importance
Honey bees visit many different types of flowers, including clover, dandelions, goldenrod, fruit trees, and milkweed. In the process of going from flower to flower to collect nectar, pollen from many plants gets stuck on the bee's pollen baskets (hairs on the hind legs). Pollen is also rubbed off of flowers. This pollinates many flowers (fertilizing them and producing seeds).Honey bees provide bee wax that is used in making candles, polishes, toilet goods, cosmetics, electric goods, carbon paper, etc.Their sting is poisonous and sometimes fatal to man when they attack in large numbers. Rearing of honey bees to obtain honey and bee wax is called apiculture.