Human Evolution
"Man came from monkey".
This is a famous quotation. In fact humans evolved from ape like ancestors which came from monkeys, thus humans are related to monkeys. Scientists have proved that our 98 % genes are exactly same as that of ape. Our closest relative is Chimpanzee.
Chimpanzees are alike humans in many aspects as they live in families, they can make simple tools to dig land to find termites, their food. They show a variety of emotions. The only differance between them and us is, we can walk fully erect, we posses power of speech and we posses a powerful brain. The thing man cannot do while chimpanzee can is, leaping and climbing tree to tree.
In this post I am putting some generalised dates in human evolution.
1. Homo habilis (2.4 million - 1.5 million years ago) It was more like an ape and could not walk erect.
2. Homo rudolfensis (2.0 million - 1.8 million)
3. Homo ergaster (1.9 million - 1.5 million)
4. Homo erectus (1.6 million - 70,000 years ago) It was first hominid with somewhat human like appearance. It can walk fully upright on its feet.
5. Homo heidelbergensis (1.5 million - 50,000 years) It was in parallel evolution with Homo erectus but it became extinct due to natural selection of Homo erectus.
6. Homo neanderthalensis (1.0 million - 36,000 years) It was a perfect homonid. It possesed a huge and well built body. It dwelled in caves near modern Germany.
7. Homo sapiens (40,000 years - till now) sapiens met immediate success as they can cope with any type of environment. Soon they spread to all continents. They used their brain and modernised into societies or civilizations.